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In-office and On-line Remote Trainings


  • Ensure you are getting the maximum potential out of your investment!
  • Don’t let staff turnover or loss of proper radiographic technique lead to poor image quality
  • Maximize the image quality of your volumetric and tomographic radiographs and sharpen the skills and abilities of the operators who take the images
  • Ensure your office can create all of the diagnostic images needed for proper treatment planning

On-line Remote Training programs for:

Visions Software

InVivo Dental

InVivo Viewer

Xoran Software

3DVR Software

In-office training programs for:

Panorex CMT's

iCAT Classic & Platinum

NewTom VG



In-office equipment servicing:

CMT's, iCAT's, & NewTom VG's

Silver option includes: complete machine inspection, leveling, adjustments, and recalibration of all radiographic components.

Gold option includes: 1 day complete machine inspection, leveling, adjustments, and recalibration along with staff software refresher training with radiographic interpretation.

Platinum option includes: 1 day of complete machine inspection, adjustments, and recalibration of your machine and a 2nd full day of staff software refresher training with radiographic interpretation.


please call for information and current pricing

Annual inspections to maintain your radiographic equipment can prevent problems with un-diagnosable imagery and help your office to maintain the ability to provide the utmost in patient care!

Kryptronic Internet Software Solutions